Your sponsorship of the Brass Band of Battle Creek demonstrates civic leadership by supporting this important community asset and helping to assure its sustainability. You will be closely associated with high-quality performances, world-class artists, and effective music education programming.
Season Sponsor
Premier – $25,000 and above/season
This opportunity is for one entity to invest in the entire season of BBBC events (spring and holiday concerts, high school and middle school youth camps). This investment is an opportunity to enhance your market visibility and associate yourself with the high-quality performances of the Brass Band of Battle Creek. Investment can be customized to meet your specific needs.
- Logo on main page and all event pages + ‘Season Partner’
- Full page advertisement in both concert programs
- Logo on all concert posters and print ads
- Individual logo slide/recognition on both side screens (both concerts)
- 20 premium tickets in any combination (Spring/Holiday)
Individual Concert Sponsorship (Spring or Holiday)
Presenting Concert – $10,000 – $49,999
- Logo on concert event page + ‘Presenting Partner’
- Half page advertisement in partner concert program
- Logo on presenting concert poster and
- print ads
- Individual logo slide/recognition on both side screens
- 8 premium tickets for presenting concert
Concert – $5,000
- Logo on concert event page + ‘Performance Partner’
- Performance partner acknowledgement in concert program
- Logo on sponsored concert poster and print ads
- Logo and recognition on one side screen
- 4 premium tickets for sponsored concert
Student Camp – $2,500 Middle School & High School
- Logo on Youth Camp page + listing as ‘Education Partner’
- Listing as ‘Education Partner’ in one or both camp concert programs
- Logo on camp concert poster and print ads
- Recognition during one or both camp concerts
- 2 or 4 tickets to BBBC Holiday Concert
Download the 2024 BBBC Sponsorship Brochure
Download PDF!
Remaining Brass Band of Battle Creek 2024 Events
2024 Holiday Concert on Dec 7th – W.K.Kellogg Auditorium, Battle Creek
The concert that serves as a time-honored kick-off of the holiday season for so many, the world-renowned Brass Band of Battle Creek welcomes shares classics old and new to provide an evening of unforgettable moments.
Investor Signup
If you would like to become a sponsor of the Brass Band of Battle Creek please fill out the form below and a member of our team will reach out to complete the signup process.
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